This sequence is a body of interrup-tions. This sequence is interruptions that are put on the body. The body of soil interrupting the body of the yolk interrupting the human body being interrupted by another human’s selfish hand. It is about these uninvited interruptions that remain entombed in us as we bury them further into the back of our subconscious; it is about the un-solicited contact fueling the fire that strips one of their humanhood & manipulates their mind; severing the relationship with their own anatomy, and feeling perceived as nothing more than a personified object—even by the gentle touch of a loved one. We wanted the room to take auditory dictation; it needed a voice. The rattling noise along with the viola’s shrill notes competes with the instrument’s ability, causing a natural uneasiness and tension to the ear. It is important for the audience to remember where they are: in a musky basement corner surround-ed by the smell of earth, and feeling heavy—with eyes to the floor, and just waiting and waiting to escape the room. Waiting for the moment to practice an aggressive ablution to their skin. Waiting for the power of repression to take hold of the memory. Waiting for the burial to help reconnect them back to their humanity. But the things we bury always end up burying us in return.
Humans Being Monsters Monsters Being Humans
As far back as I can remember, my dream world has been a force I have fought to disempower each and every day upon waking. Some of my dreams are recurrent, other’s embody the angst of the world at large and my internal struggle. Some are incredibly symbolic and other’s are simply crazy as fuck. Gross, distorted monsters are commonplace and until recently, I have tried hard to forget my dreams. Recently, I have begun to trust my nocturnal narrative and allowed these characters to take shape and form in my work. These masks are part of a larger work in progress where I hope to explore my dream world across a variety of mediums.